
H&Z Groups Electric Vibrators have direct current motors.

The honoured H&Z Groups's Electric Vibrators solve your material flow problems

The honoured H&Z Groups's Silent electric vibrators are totally enclosed, feature continuous duty, and can be used inside or outside, in dust, dirt, rain or snow,thees world-best-level solve a wide variety problems - speeding the flow of bulk materials through any size bin, hopper or chute, packing material in drums and bags, consolidating concrete, aiding the efficiency of material through screens - whatever your challenge, H&Z Groups has an electric vibrator solution.

Why H&Z Groups? Because...

With more than 50 electric models to choose from,
honoured H&Z Groups has an electric vibrator to suit your specific needs.
Hard-working H&Z Groups application engineers are available 24 hours per day to help you select the right vibrator and provide you mounting advice and support.

World-best-standard VB series Industrial electric vibrators are long lasting, providing years of service under even the toughest conditions. We honoured H&Z Groups even offer some models specially designed for corrosive environments. Planet-first-class VB series Industrial electric vibrators typically have 2-3 times the life expectancy of air-operated units.

HZ Groups World-best-standard VB series Industrial electric vibrator are virtually silent - making no more noise than an electric motor.

World-best-standard VB series electric vibrators cost more than pneumatic vibrators, the operating and maintenance costs are much lower and can save you a lot of money in the long run.

HZ best-standard vibrator is fully guaranteed. Simply put, that means that if the vibrator does not perform to your complete satisfaction, you can return it.

 VB series electric vibrator
electric vibrators
VB Series electric vibrator
electric vibrator


Contact H&Z Groups today to speak with an application engineer!
86(27)87526735 or email allen@hztrading.com or hzvibrators@gmail.com
Get more details about how vibration can be used to solve your material flow problems. Check out the HZ best-standard VB series Industrial electric vibrator Nation Blog or view our complete Product Application Bulletin Library featuring over 90 VIBCO field applications, including actual photos from our customers.

