
Our range of electric vibrators is provided in different specifications, sizes and is known for optimum working speed and low operating costs. These are known for better durability, high quality and also consist of cage with conical springs. These offer maximum efficiency and are provided at industry leading prices to clients’.

Prime Mover 2 / 3 H.P, 1/3 Phase, 2800 RPM Electric Motor.
 Accessaries Cage with Conical Springs / Revolving base frame stand & Needle Fitting Attachments.
 Suitable Needles 2 H.P: 25 / 30 / 40 mm Ø needle with 6 mtr. Long flexible shaft. 3 H.P: 25 / 30 / 40 / 60 mm Ø needle with 6 mtr. Long flexible shaft

